Landa i-Mines of Mars 4.0007 APK ye-android mahhala

  • Incazelo enemininingwane
  • I-Mines of Mars iwumdlalo wesenzo sokusinda onezici ze-RPG, ezenzeka ku-Mars. I-protagonist iku-Red Planet ngenxa yokuphahlazeka komkhumbi-mkhathi. Umlingiswa kufanele abuyisele inkanyezi yedwa futhi abuyele ekhaya yedwa ngaphandle kokusekelwa kwabasebenzi abafile. Ukuze enze lokhu, udinga ukuhlola indawo engaphezulu nemigede eseduze nendawo yokuphahlazeka, aqoqe izinto zokwakha futhi alwe nezidalwa ezingaziwa. Umdlalo ujabulisa ngohlelo lokumpompa, izindawo zokwakha ngokwenqubo kanye nomkhathi omangalisayo senzeka ..


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